Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Week 2, Monday (Day 17)

Breakfast: 1 whole wheat English muffin with 2 TBLS peanut butter, 1 banana
This is one of my favorite breakfasts.  I used to eat this before I let a cookbook tell me what to eat.  I am pleased.

Snack 1: 4 whole wheat crackers, 1 oz low fat cheddar cheese
My only complaint here is that I bought shredded cheese (for last week's meal plan), so shredded cheese is not that easy to eat on a cracker.  The thought crossed my mind to microwave the cheese and make some "nachos" but I was too lazy.  

Lunch: Tofu & Edamame salad (5 oz sauteed firm Tofu, 2 cups romaine lettuce, 1/2 sliced red bell pepper, 1/2 cup edamame, 1 oz low-fat jalapeno cheese, 3 tbls red wine vinegar and 1 tsp evoo)
Tofu.  I cooked up 5 ounces of tofu last night so they would be ready to eat today.  It tastes like nothing.  I ate lunch with my friend who said it looked like I was eating chicken, but my salad was pretty pathetic.  Despite the pathetic review my salad received, it was very filling.  I was glad that I bought that 1 ounce cheese stick last week because the other half was exactly what I needed today.  The first item I've gotten that's actually been portioned correctly!  I would probably never pack this salad for lunch again, but would consider eating tofu again.  But probably served warm.

Snack 2: 1 apple, 1/2 cup chickpeas
I went to a meeting at 5pm and came face to face with my biggest fear: a plate of soft, delicious looking, fresh, chocolate chip cookies.  They looked so inviting and welcoming and good.  I took out my apple and stared at the cookies as I munched away at my healthy snack.  I owe myself an almond butter cookie for having such great will power!  I never got a chance to eat my chickpeas.  Sorry dudes.  I ate an almond butter cookie as soon as I got home.  I earned it.

Dinner: Farro Risotto with Wild Morels, Asparagus and Truffle Oil; 4 oz grilled chicken.  
If this dinner was a chapter book in elementary school, it would not pass the five-finger-test.  Farro?  Morels? Truffle Oil?  Google time. 

Farro.  Like Pharaoh?  Does this have anything to do with what's currently going on in Egypt?  Google tells me that Farro is something like rice or barley.  Google also tells me that my grocery store doesn't carry Farro.  I check out the recipe and decide barley is the closest substitute.  I call MJ:
"Hey could you pick up some barley on your way home?"
"Ok.. where do I find it?"
"It should be in the rice aisle."
"Oh, not with the lettuce?"
"No... it's like rice, not produce."
Much to my delight/surprise, MJ came home with the barley.  

Morrels. Google tells me these are mushrooms.  I buy two kinds.

Truffle Oil.  I don't need to google this one to know it's not worth buying a whole bottle of oil to use 1/4 teaspoon.  I'll pass.

I created this risotto and it was pretty good.  My only complaint is how much time it too and how many dishes got dirty in the process.  It sure looked pretty though:

Time to prepare for tomorrow's meals!  (What an exciting life I lead....)

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